SonicWarp Makes an Offer You Can’t Refuse

by Hillary LaClair, Senior Editor

     , an online casino company based out of the UK has made a pretty big claim to their website, announcing that players don’t lose when participating in the game Treasure Chest. According to the internet casino, “the prize fund is added to daily, and a cash prize is up for grabs each and every month.

                If a SonicWarp member deposits 100 GBP, he or she will be given a token which is placed in the Treasure Chest given a certain condition. After making the deposit, which is completely refundable, the user is prompted with five multiple choice questions. The user must provide the correct answer to each question to have their token entered. Once a month, a token is selected from the Treasure Chest at random, and the person that the token belongs to takes the prize fund.

                Because the players can have their money refunded at any time, the site has said there can be no losers. If the user chooses to play the game, he or she will be entered into each monthly drawing until either the token is selected, or the user decides to leave the game. Additionally, players who refer friends to the game are awarded bonus tokens that will be added to the Treasure Chest. Should a player misplace their token, a new one can be issued for 10 GBP.

                To ensure users that these tokens are being drawn fairly, an individual involved in the game is invited each month to witness the drawing at SonicWarp’s head office, located in Shropshire.

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